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What is Emotion Code?

A-Z Glossary 

the emotion code magnets

emotion code vs eft

emotion code is fast than eft

chakra map

Reiki distance symbol

Reiki distance symbol

reiki distance healing symbol

Dr. Bradley Nelson

free emotion code session

muscle testing for trapped emotions

Abundance Blocks

Abundance blocks are roadblocks or obstacles preventing us from living a sustainable, thriving and abundant life with more money that we can spend. These roadblocks are made of trapped emotions, self sabotage and beliefs, often in the nature of unworthiness and scarcity thinking. You may have an abundance block if no matter what you do and try, it never seems to amount to anything and you keep living paycheck to paycheck. Let's clear your abundance blocks—your old limiting beliefs—and start living a life of abundance and freedom!


Acknowledge Your Feelings & Emotions

The first step to recovery and healing is always self awareness. Consider your emotions to be your inner guidance system. It's literally your body and mind telling you, or better said "yelling at you" that the path you are on is not in your highest good and detrimental to your well-being if you don't change anything. Time to make a change and take a first step!


Acne Energy Healing

Skin conditions such as acne or a rash may be hormonal, nutrition and/or stress related, however, in my work I have found that the emotional cause is often insecurity, self hatred and rejection.


Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. To find out more please visit


Am I a Healer?

If you feel the call to serve the greater good, are a good listener and an empath, then the path to becoming a healer may be right for you! Being a healer is  is a never-ending journey of self-discovery. Read a few books on healing. Caroline MyssMartha Beck and Barbara Brennan all have great books on healing, intuition and life coaching. To become an emotion code code practitioner please visit​


Ancient Energy Healing

Tai Chi - Like yoga, this calming, low-impact exercise comes with a host of scientifically backed physical and mental health benefits. The practice is thought to unlock the Chinese concept of qi, the energy force that flows through the body, and encourage proper flow.


Acupuncture - Like Tai Chi, acupuncture seeks to balance the flow of qi in the body by inserting needles into certain pathways, or meridians, throughout the body. 


Reiki - According to practitioners of the ancient Japanese art of Reiki, the power of touch is able to heal a variety of different physical ailments and relieve stress.


Ayurveda - The theory goes that Ayurveda can help heal imbalances in the body's doshas -- the three basic energy types -- which include pitta (the principle of transformation; the fire element), vata (the energy of motion; the air element), and kapha (the principle of growth; the earth element).


Reflexology - By applying pressure to specific parts of the hands, feet and ears, reflexology is thought to improve health by using "body mapping," a system that links these pressure points with various organs and systems throughout the body. Reflexology is helpful in reducing pain, anxiety and depression, as well as promoting relaxation and stress relief,


Are Emotions Energy?

Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way." So yes, emotions are energy. The premise of The Emotion Code is that the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body, in form of balls of energy roughly the size of a grapefruit, affecting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We believe these Trapped Emotions could be keeping you in patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartbreak.


Are My Chakras Blocked?

Did you know that having imbalanced chakras can cause physical and emotional ailments? Have you ever found yourself feeling “off” but couldn’t determine the precise cause? As you and others who’ve felt this way know, being inexplicably moody, sad, uncomfortable, or in pain is upsetting. Take the quick, easy, and accurate free chakra test to find out if your chakras are balanced or out of balance! Click HERE  to take the quiz! 


Attract What You Desire

At the basis of attracting what you desire is the omnipresent Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself is drawn). How do we do this in practice? Think about whatever it is you wish to attract more of in your life with emotion/feeling and do not think about what you don't want. Seems easy enough, right? But it's harder than it appears, did you know that we have about 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them are about the same thing? LOL Catch yourself next time you have a less than positive thought. We can definitely create a habit and think less and less negative thoughts. To become a master at Law of Attraction you may find this The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham book helpful. 


Bad Energy Meaning?

Bad or negative energy is definitely real. We have all experienced it for example, when someone enters the room and the overall mood drops. Here are a few signs of bad or negative energy: 1. Excessive complaining, 2. Criticizing, 3. Negative relationships, 4. Negative interactions, 5. Blaming, 6. Highly emotional.


Belief Code

Belief Code is a method focused on identifying and transforming limiting subconscious beliefs that may be holding you back. By addressing these deep-seated thoughts, Belief Code helps rewire your mindset, empowering you to align with positivity, create new possibilities, and live the life you truly desire.


Benefits of Healing Chakras

Chakras are balls of energy, so you can’t see them on a medical scan — but when you align your chakras, there may be physical results. Aligning your chakras can benefit your endocrine system, as well as the nervous system. For individuals suffering from mental issues and the stresses of daily life, chakra energy healers can work amazing results. By aligning your energy and creating positivity flowing through your body, your mental state can improve. The mind and body are inseparably connected, and wellbeing in one often leads to wellbeing in the other. For many in the modern world, there is a feeling of disconnection. Chakras are each associated with different senses and elements. Feelings of disconnection can be addressed through chakra energy healing. As your energy aligns, you may find that you feel more connected to your own senses or the elements of the world around you.


Body Code

The Body Code is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system that’s intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in body and spirit — so you can have the opportunity to make corrections right on the spot. The goal is to help you identify the underlying causes of your physical or emotional concerns, then release them in minutes so you can start feeling like yourself again. Identify and balance issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems, bones, nerves, connective tissues, release heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders, find any herbs & nutrients, exercise & lifestyle habits your body is asking for.


Benefits of Healing Chakras

Bad or negative energy is definitely real. We have all experienced it for example, when someone enters the room and the overall mood drops. Here are a few signs of bad or negative energy: 1. Excessive complaining, 2. Criticizing, 3. Negative relationships, 4. Negative interactions, 5. Blaming, 6. Highly emotional


Bradley Nelson, , D.C. (ret.)

Dr. Bradley Nelson, D.C. (ret.) is the developer of the most advanced form of energy medicine on the planet the creator of the Emotion Code and Body Code systems. A holistic Chiropractor and Medical Intuitive, Dr. Nelson is one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology.

His bestselling book, “The Emotion Code,” is helping people all over the world to improve their lives by ridding themselves of their imbalanced emotional baggage. Many users of The Emotion Code® technique have reported finding freedom from emotional problems such as sadness, anxiousness, and anger, as well as physical problems including fatigue, discomfort, and disease. A key element of The Emotion Code is removing emotional baggage that may have clustered around the heart, interfering with one’s ability to find love and success. Dr. Nelson has coined this cluster of emotions the “Heart-Wall,” and it has been called “the most important discovery in the history of energy medicine.”

Dr. Nelson graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, California, in 1988. As a practicing holistic Chiropractor, Dr. Nelson specialized in helping those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, and successfully helped patients from across the United States and Canada until his retirement from active practice in 2004. Since 1995, Dr. Nelson has lectured internationally on alleviating chronic and incurable diseases through energy work, and restoring balance to the 6 key elements of health in the body. In 2009, he channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as The Body Code system, which was designed to teach students how to balance the body in these 6 key areas. The Body Code is being used successfully by doctors and laypeople alike to improve the health of thousands of people all over the world.


Chakra Chart

If you’d like to learn more about the different chakras and the effects they have on the body, please see this chakra diagram, interactive chakra chart that gives more details on each chakra, including chakra locations.



Inside all of us lie 7 energy centers of spiritual power. The premise is that these 7 centers are connected to the major organs and glands that govern our body. These centers are called chakras, a term derived from Indian religions that means “wheel of energy.”  If you’d like to learn more about the different chakras and the effects they have on the body, try out our interactive chakra chart that gives more details on each chakra.


  1. The Crown – Sahasrara

    The Crown chakra relates to higher consciousness, enlightenment, and inspiration. Located above the crown of the head, this Head Center chakra is related to the power of consciousness and corresponds with the universal self and divine reality.

  2. The Third Eye – Ajna

    As the sixth of the body’s seven chakras, the Third Eye lies between the eyebrows and is the only chakra in the mental body. As such, it’s the center of command and corresponds with intuition, insight, and psychic awareness. Furthermore, the Third Eye chakra may help us connect to elements beyond the five senses. It can also controls the individual self and power of inner perception.

  3. The Throat – Vishuddha

    Located in the throat area, this chakra is thought of as the energy center for creativity, speech, individual needs, and will. It’s known for its purity and connects to the power of communication by connecting with the ether, the respiratory system, and higher intelligence. This is the second chakra in the Emotional Body.

  4. The Heart – Anahata

    As one of two energy centers in the Emotional Body, the Heart chakra lies in the middle of the chest and is said to guide emotions and feelings like love, forgiveness, compassion, and self-esteem. Not surprisingly, the heart triggers emotions of love and devotion and corresponds with the element air.

  5. The Navel – Manipura

    As the last energy center in the physical body, the Navel chakra is considered the Solar Plexus and relates to the element of fire. This chakra, also known as the City of Gems, closely corresponds with the emotion anger and is responsible for energies like desire, vitality, inner strength, and self-control. Lastly, the Navel chakra is said to govern the digestive system and ego impulse.

  6. The Sacral – Svadhisthana

    Located above the genitals, the Sacral chakra is referred to as the Abode of Kundalini, or “the center of energy that is yet to realize its potential.” Because of its location, the Sacral chakra relates to the Water Element, and is believed to control emotions that center around relationships, sexuality, and intimacy (such as desire).

  7. The Root – Muladhara

    The Root chakra lies below the genitals and is the first of three physical body energy centers. As the reputed center for survival, security, and primal energy, the Root chakra is connected to the Earth Element and relates to your natural survival instincts and emotions — especially fear.

    We hope you’ve enjoyed this chakra chart and will be able to incorporate its information into your lives to enhance your balance and wellbeing.


Chakra Test

Are your chakras out of balance? The energies that run through our bodies powerfully bind with our subconscious to maintain balance in our mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. In order to stay balanced, the energy is directed through seven key centers of your body, or “chakras.” When energies are blocked, hindered, or altered in any way, it can cause chakras to become unbalanced, which often results in negative side effects that are difficult to explain. Click HERE  to take the chakra quiz! 


Cord Cutting Ritual

The space between you and others around you is filled with energy. Those energies can become connected and influence each other. Quantum physicists call this phenomena quantum entanglement. You are connected to other people in ways that you cannot see and one of those ways is through energetic cords. With The Body Code created by Dr Bradley Nelson, we can find energetic connections that we call cords and we can release them.


It is possible to for someone to connect to you with a cord even if you have just met once. Cords that are made without a real relationship are more likely to be self-serving and lacking pure intent. For instance, if you are seen as a person who has something valuable that someone else wants or needs, they may attach to you and drain your energy hoping to get what they want.


Distance Energy Healing

I use myself as a proxy in my emotion and body code sessions. I make the energetic connection with my clients and any question that I ask now, testing myself, I am actually asking the subject. Any trapped emotion that I find by testing myself, I am actually finding in the body of the subject. As you can imagine, this is a very useful tool. It allows you to not only find out what trapped emotions are stuck inside the body of a remote person, but to release those emotions and imbalances from afar


Emotional Pain Chart

There are areas in the body that relate to a certain emotional state. I really like this chart, its very easy to read.


What is Emotion Code 

The Emotion Code is designed to help you alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, restore love to relationships, increase excitement and have greater vitality. Watch a 3.5 min video about what is Emotion Code video.


Easing Physical Discomfort - You may get relief from distress and suffering, and alleviate their potential causes.

Love & Relationships - You could remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect

Creating More Success - You can experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity

Healing Generations - It’s possible to heal your own energy, as well that of past and future generations

Helping Animals - You may even help pets and other animals feel and function better


Emotion Code Chart

Harboring possible Trapped Emotions within your body may greatly affect your overall physical and emotional wellbeing. However, thanks to Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work and publications in the field of energy healing and muscle testing, you can discover just how beneficial it can be to easily release trapped emotions with the help of The Emotion Code® Chart. Download the Emotion Code chart HERE.


What is Energy Medicine

To understand how energy healing works through the use of The Emotion Code™, it’s important to recognize this truth: The body is made up of pure energy. Every organ, every bit of tissue … indeed, every cell of the body is made up of energy. But there’s more. All of the non-physical aspects of yourself — your thoughts, your beliefs, your memories, your emotions — are also made up of energy. When viewed from this energetic standpoint, you can see just how easy it really is to effect change, and how true and lasting wellness really is possible. But not all energy is created equal!


What is Energy Medicine

To understand how energy healing works through the use of The Emotion Code™, it’s important to recognize this truth: The body is made up of pure energy. Every organ, every bit of tissue … indeed, every cell of the body is made up of energy. But there’s more. All of the non-physical aspects of yourself — your thoughts, your beliefs, your memories, your emotions — are also made up of energy. When viewed from this energetic standpoint, you can see just how easy it really is to effect change, and how true and lasting wellness really is possible. But not all energy is created equal!


Heart Wall

The heart is the center of your being. In fact, research now indicates that the heart may be a second brain, a brain more powerful than the one on top of your shoulders. A brain that is fully activated when you are giving and receiving pure love and acts of pure, unselfish devotion. It is through our heart that we give and receive love. But our hearts are vulnerable to emotional injury. Sometimes trapped emotions are created in the body, and sometimes these trapped emotions lodge in the heart area.

Since all things are nothing but pure energy by their very nature, a trapped emotion is no different, and consists of pure energy. Well, sometimes your subconscious mind will take that extra energy that is now in the heart area, and it will literally make a ‘wall’ with it. Why? To protect your heart from injury; to keep your heart from being totally broken.


Heart Walls affect us in two ways. First, they block the heart energy from flowing through the body; this makes it more difficult for the body to heal itself, and can cause physical symptoms, particularly in the neck, upper back and shoulders. Second, they block us from fully opening our hearts to others.

In essence, a HeartWall will make you numb to others and make it more difficult for you to feel emotions and connect to others. When you realize that the mind puts the heart wall up to protect us in the first place, it all makes sense, but if you have a HeartWall, you will have a harder time being able to give and receive love freely.

When the Heart Wall is removed from the body, the difference can sometimes be felt immediately. At other times, the change is more subtle and takes place over time. 


How to Find Inner Peace

Energy healing, letting go, meditation, and more are all at your fingertips. Here are some tips that might help you find the balance you crave. 


  1. Let go of what you can't control

  2. Be honest with yourself

  3. Serve others

  4. Use energy healing

  5. Meditate

  6. Go into nature

  7. Try a technology fast

  8. Simply your life


What is Muscle Testing

The premise is that the wisdom of the body is not held in the conscious, active mind, but in the subconscious mind, where the record of every experience, thought, feeling, or memory you’ve ever had is stored. The subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over how we behave and feel — and it’s also keenly aware of exactly what your body needs to get well. In order to access these vast stores of knowledge, we need to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious. This is where muscle testing comes in.


Nikken Magnets

Magnets are used in the patented emotion code and body code techniques to release toxic and harmful energies, trapped emotions and imbalances, via the Governing meridian from the body. Nikken is an international company that was founded in 1975 in Japan. They have done a tremendous amount of research in this field, and really know how to make wonderful healing magnets that I have come to rely on for healing. They have a whole stable of magnetic products, including some of the most advanced magnetic devices available but any fridge magnet will do, too! You may purchase the Nikken magnet I use HERE.



Magnets are used in the patented emotion code and body code techniques to release toxic and harmful energies, trapped emotions and imbalances, via the Governing meridian from the body. Nikken is an international company that was founded in 1975 in Japan. They have done a tremendous amount of research in this field, and really know how to make wonderful healing magnets that I have come to rely on for healing. They have a whole stable of magnetic products, including some of the most advanced magnetic devices available but any fridge magnet will do, too! You may purchase the Nikken magnet I use HERE.


Sending Healing Energy

The Emotional Field is where we experience feelings. It extends about 1 to 3 inches beyond the physical body. The Mental Field is associated with thoughts and mental processes. It can be sensed 3 to 8 inches from the body. The Spiritual Field is made up of four or more layers, which help us relate to our higher self and spiritual dimensions. It is activated when we meditate, pray or channel. It extends 6" to 2' beyond our physical body. These energy fields are also referred to as our four levels of being; or our physical, mental, emotional spiritual selves.

Here are some ways to enhance a distant Reiki session using the energy fields or four levels of being.

First, empower your hands and chakras with the Usui power symbol. Then give yourself Reiki for 10-15 minutes. First, empower your hands and chakras with the Usui power symbol. Then give yourself Reiki for 10-15 minutes. Then invoke or visualize the distant healing symbol and say its name three times. Visualize the person you will be sending Reiki to. Intend to send Reiki to each level of being for 10-20 minutes.


Opening Your Third Eye

A few signs of third eye blockage include feeling a lack of purpose, feeling indecisive, and feeling unfulfilled. Headaches, migraines, eye pain, and pain in the back of your legs can also indicate a blockage in the third eye. Some of the common triggers your should recognize that can close or hinder your third eye are:


  1. Someone belittling your work or passions

  2. Large, transitional life experiences

  3. Not facing reality by getting lost in the metaphysical world

  4. Events that cause you to reassess your worth and place in the world

  5. Not letting go of old habits

  6. Giving up on things easily

  7. Not taking time to ground yourself

Yoga, meditations and affirmations and physical care—make sure you are getting enough Omega-3 in your diet. Eating purple foods will balance your efforts and help you open your third eye.​


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